3 Quick Effective Tips for a New Mom

Are you a new mom? Welcome to this new phase in your life! Motherhood can be a confusing, exciting, and challenging period. As a mom of triplets, I would love to share my tried and tested tips with you. Read on to know more.


Have a schedule for you and your baby  


Having a schedule is very important at this time. Traditionally, our grand-mom and moms would have asked to just feed the baby as per his/her requirement and whenever he/she wakes up. But, in my experience with the triplets, it was very important to have a schedule for everything.


Having a schedule puts you, your baby, and your domestic help in an organized routine for the day.


It’s an excellent idea to set a timetable. Some tips:


  • Feed every two to three hours
  • Give a bath in the morning or evening 
  • Take the baby for a walk. They say the early morning sun is very good for the baby for a good source of vitamin D. It refreshes you as well.
  • In case you want to have some rest, you can even ask your nanny or caregiver to take your baby for the early morning walk.
  • Having a schedule for yourself as well will ensure that you are eating your meals properly - your prenatal vitamins, juices, and soups.
  • Also, keep some time for resting during the day as your sleep would be disturbed during the night with a child sleeping next to you.


Maintain a record for your baby – sleep, feeding, excretion 


Recording what time your baby wakes up, goes to sleep, cries for milk, cries because he has pooped, is a good habit. You will be able to establish a pattern for the day/and week. It will be useful when you discuss with your pediatrician about the health of your baby and his/her behavior during the day. You will know whether he/she has excreted that day or not. Poop retention or constipation can bother the baby and you.


Try to do things which make you relaxed and happy 


A newborn baby’s mom is usually very stressed. Even more, if you have multiple babies. It's very important that you do not stress yourself further.

You need to find avenues that make you relaxed and happy.


  • Have a nice massage whenever you get time.
  • Chat with your friends and family.
  • Best is to join young moms’ groups. It does not matter if you do not know them personally. It’s always nice to share experiences. You will know that you are not alone in the journey.


These are some of the tips that worked very well for me. Let me know how it goes for you. Also, do you have any tips that worked for you? Feel free to share in the comments section. 




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