
Hi Friends, once I got into the path of mindfulness and complete health I realized that a lot of our physical illnesses and diseases are related to our mind. The two important organs which determine our health are our Heart and our Liver. Here I would like to look at how we can make our Liver more strong. As they rightly say if you want to look younger you need to take good care of your Liver. How to detoxify your liver with the help of Rapid Transformational therapy. EMOTIONAL RELEASE FOR YOUR LIVER In ancient systems of medicine, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the liver is often connected with emotions and feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, impatience, and irritability.  This relationship is bidirectional. If you hold on to lots of anger, resentment, or similar feelings, your liver will likely be affected.  I also see that people who have stagnant livers due to inflammation, a poor diet, excessive alcohol, and other underlying conditions, will tend to anger,

A New Beginning ...

          I decided to pursue a career in therapy and mindfulness because I wanted to do something new and do something more meaningful in my life. Something that would help people around me.  I had this burning desire because i had seen people suffering from mental health issues. I wanted to help others to ease their emotional and physical pain rapidly.  To achieve all this, I wanted to explore a new career to help people ease their pain and suffering.  Very early in my life, I realized that I was gifted. I had the “gift of gab” . I could talk a lot and talk about something which intrigues others and makes them interested in me. My family and friends loved talking to me, sharing their problems. I loved “listening to them”. At that time, I was not equipped to help them professionally. I was a successful Banker; Training Head , taught in Business Schools , set up Training Units in a start - up firm but my heart was somewhere else. looking for the real purpose in my life. I got clarity a

Renew, Rejuvenate and Reclaim Yourself after becoming a Mother

Being a mother doesn't mean that we lose our individuality. Your purpose in life should not be diluted by the burden of your responsibilities as a mother or even as a wife. It's really important to keep your brains active and to continuously stimulate them with some fresh information and knowledge. I want to share with you how I tried to get back into shape not only physically but also mentally after my triplets. I have noticed that women, in general, are more focused on getting back to shape after becoming a mother. We tend to forget our minds and heart. It is very important to keep yourself physically fit, but it is also necessary to re-balance and renew internally to fully reclaim yourself after your difficult journey so far. I highly recommend you join yoga and a meditation class if possible. Doing yoga not only keeps you fit but also helps us in finding our balance internally. Have you heard about channelizing the energy in your body or as they call it “Prana”? As a mother

Parenting - a Challenging Job Indeed!

    I think most of you will agree with me that parenting is indeed a challenging job.  As a parent you feel challenged and are expected to mend your ways of thinking. What works for one child, doesn't work for another. What would have worked for you, doesn't work for your kids anymore.   You cannot impose!   Traditionally, the way our generation has been brought up is very different from the way we are bringing up our kids. The kids today want recognition for everything and still the carrot and stick approach doesn't always work for them.   I found it very challenging to raise my triplets. I was compelled to read some books, join some established parenting groups to understand this generation. Yes, there is a generation gap between us! We need to accept it.   You cannot command the kids and tell them this is right, and this is wrong. They want to explore it themselves. You really cannot have strict regimes with them. The other day my 6-year-old told me that she really need

3 Quick Effective Tips for a New Mom

Are you a new mom? Welcome to this new phase in your life! Motherhood can be a confusing, exciting, and challenging period. As a mom of triplets, I would love to share my tried and tested tips with you. Read on to know more.   Have a schedule for you and your baby      Having a schedule is very important at this time. Traditionally, our grand-mom  and moms would have asked to just feed the baby as per his/her requirement and whenever he/she wakes up. But, in my experience with the triplets, it was very important to have a schedule for everything.   Having a schedule puts you, your baby, and your domestic help in an organized routine for the day.   It’s an excellent idea to set a timetable. Some tips:   Feed every two to three hours Give a bath in the morning or evening  Take the baby for a walk. They say the early morning sun is very good for the baby for a good source of vitamin D. It refreshes you as well. In case you want to have some rest, you can even ask your nanny or caregiver t