Renew, Rejuvenate and Reclaim Yourself after becoming a Mother

Being a mother doesn't mean that we lose our individuality. Your purpose in life should not be diluted by the burden of your responsibilities as a mother or even as a wife. It's really important to keep your brains active and to continuously stimulate them with some fresh information and knowledge. I want to share with you how I tried to get back into shape not only physically but also mentally after my triplets.

I have noticed that women, in general, are more focused on getting back to shape after becoming a mother. We tend to forget our minds and heart.

It is very important to keep yourself physically fit, but it is also necessary to re-balance and renew internally to fully reclaim yourself after your difficult journey so far. I highly recommend you join yoga and a meditation class if possible.

Doing yoga not only keeps you fit but also helps us in finding our balance internally. Have you heard about channelizing the energy in your body or as they call it “Prana”?

As a mother, you go through a lot of pain, frustration, and stress, and as a result, there is utmost need to reactivate and channelize the energy that has been stuck in your body.

Are you losing yourself doing the daily routines and the daily chores? I hear most of the mothers saying that "I don't know where my day goes! It starts with the kids, and it ends with the kids!" It happens to me a lot.

We tend to make our routines around our kids. It is not wrong, but what about your daily routine? Do you get enough time for exercise, yoga, meditation, or even catching up with your friends/spouse over a cup of coffee?

Remember, if we keep ourselves sane and in a good mood, we will be able to manage our stress better. We will even be better able to take the tantrums of our kids in a more prepared manner than otherwise.

Our frustrations are a result of our failure to focus on our true purpose in life. It’s not fair on our part to blame our kids saying that - “Because of you, I could not pursue my dreams.”

Motherhood is not a competition to see who has the most intelligent kids, the best clothes, the most beautifully done homes, and perfect Instagram-able lives. It’s your journey with your kids.

In my opinion, this phase in your life is the perfect timing to rethink what you wanted to pursue. If you have an adequate support system in place, then use this opportunity to explore what you wanted to do in life.

In case you don’t want to go back to your previous role in your job, be brave to explore new options and avenues. In these times of a global pandemic, there are more and more jobs which you can pursue working from home and with flexible hours.

So, what’s stopping you from updating your resume with your competencies and looking for something you always wanted to do? You can even start something of your own!



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