
Showing posts from February, 2021

Parenting - a Challenging Job Indeed!

    I think most of you will agree with me that parenting is indeed a challenging job.  As a parent you feel challenged and are expected to mend your ways of thinking. What works for one child, doesn't work for another. What would have worked for you, doesn't work for your kids anymore.   You cannot impose!   Traditionally, the way our generation has been brought up is very different from the way we are bringing up our kids. The kids today want recognition for everything and still the carrot and stick approach doesn't always work for them.   I found it very challenging to raise my triplets. I was compelled to read some books, join some established parenting groups to understand this generation. Yes, there is a generation gap between us! We need to accept it.   You cannot command the kids and tell them this is right, and this is wrong. They want to explore it themselves. You really cannot have strict regimes with them. The other day my 6-year-old told me that she really need