
Showing posts from January, 2021

3 Quick Effective Tips for a New Mom

Are you a new mom? Welcome to this new phase in your life! Motherhood can be a confusing, exciting, and challenging period. As a mom of triplets, I would love to share my tried and tested tips with you. Read on to know more.   Have a schedule for you and your baby      Having a schedule is very important at this time. Traditionally, our grand-mom  and moms would have asked to just feed the baby as per his/her requirement and whenever he/she wakes up. But, in my experience with the triplets, it was very important to have a schedule for everything.   Having a schedule puts you, your baby, and your domestic help in an organized routine for the day.   It’s an excellent idea to set a timetable. Some tips:   Feed every two to three hours Give a bath in the morning or evening  Take the baby for a walk. They say the early morning sun is very good for the baby for a good source of vitamin D. It refreshes you as well. In case you want to have some rest, you can even ask your nanny or caregiver t

My Story of Motherhood

It was November 2013 when my husband and I moved out of India for a professional assignment abroad. We were very excited to lead lives as expats and looked forward to a refreshing change. It was my husband’s birthday when we landed in the new country.  We celebrated his birthday at the airport; I gifted him a massage at a Spa in the airport. Yeah, he needed it after such a tiring and long flight journey!   We were happy to arrive and soon started to settle down. I began to taste the life of an expat’s wife. I enjoyed shopping at the best of malls, traveled around the new city, and just loved the sights, smells, and sounds of the new place. I joined American and other expat women's clubs too and participated enthusiastically in ladies’ potlucks and parties.   However, after a point, I started to get over all these and began to look for a job. Unfortunately, I didn't get one easily, and I started to have self-doubts.   Meanwhile, we moved to a new house in a very posh, lush green